4 Bathroom Remodeling Tips To Get The Most Out Of Renovations

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Home Remodeling Tips When I purchased my second home after outgrowing my starter home, I was absolutely in love with it. However, after moving in, I quickly realized how much I missed having a master bathroom. I didn't think I would miss it, since the nearest bathroom is right down the hall, but since I frequently have guests over for long weekends, I realized that we were "fighting" for much-needed bathroom space. I then looked into my remodeling options and a contractor told me that adding a master bath would be a very easy task to complete. The remodeling process didn't take long, and my home is now perfect. I am very eager to share what I learned about home remodeling with others who need the tips on my new blog!



When investing in new bathroom designs, you want something that looks great, but that is also durable or even helps to make your home more energy-efficient. There are also the choices of materials in a bathroom, which some are vulnerable to water damage and should be avoided. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your bathroom remodeling project when doing home renovations: 

1. Save Water and Reduce Energy Costs with Plumbing Improvements

The bathroom is one of the areas of your home where water is easily wasted. It is also a good place to consider improvements to conserve water and save energy. You may want to consider water heater replacement for energy-efficient plumbing. There are also solutions like toilets that have different flushes to minimize wasting water when you flush the toilet. In addition, consider low-flow faucets to conserve even more water with bathroom renovations.

2. Choosing the Right Lighting and Plumbing Fixtures to Remodel Your Bathroom

There are different choices of lighting and plumbing fixtures when you remodel your bathroom. You may want to have plumbing fixtures that match the design of your home, which can be modern or classic finished. The lighting is also important, which you want to have an even balance of natural lighting to save energy, and energy-efficient fixtures to provide you with light in the bathroom when it is dark outside.

3. Materials That Work Best in Bathrooms and What You Should Avoid

There are some materials that look great in the bathroom but are not the best solution due to the moisture in this area of your home, such as hardwood flooring and wood trim. Consider materials that are more resistant to water in the bathroom, such as tile finishes for floors and walls or composite trim around windows, doors and other features.

4. Recycling Solutions to Reduce the Cost of Materials and Make Bathrooms Greener

The bathroom is a great place to save money by recycling materials when doing renovations. If you have cabinetry in your bathroom that has an old finish, cabinet refacing services can help with repairs and refinish them to make them look brand new again. You may also want to consider using reclaimed materials for things like wood finishes or decoration in your bathroom remodeling project.

These are some tips to help you get the most out of bathroom remodeling. If you need help, contact a cabinet refacing service to save on renovations by giving your old cabinets a new look with a new finish.

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